Working with Hearing Loss

Working with Hearing Loss 

Over 40 million people are impacted by hearing loss in the U.S. This chronic condition affects various aspects of life, including job performance. If your hearing is impaired, it is imperative to be aware of your rights at work and ways you can best manage your professional responsibilities. Additionally, there are useful strategies to protect your hearing health from further …

Avoiding Hearing Tests Could Make the Problem Much Worse

Avoiding Hearing Tests Could Make the Problem Much Worse 

Most of us have experienced not immediately dealing with a health concern, hoping that if we avoid it long enough, it will subside. This can be particularly harmful if you are experiencing a chronic medical condition like hearing loss. Because hearing loss often happens gradually, it can be overlooked and ignored for quite some time. Gradual impairment combined with the …

How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships

How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships 

Effective communication is the foundation for healthy relationships as well as navigating personal and professional responsibilities. Hearing loss, an increasingly common medical condition, can significantly strain communication which impacts all aspects of a person’s life. Impaired hearing is the third most common chronic health issue that adults experience. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, nearly …