Best Hearing Aids of 2020

Best Hearing Aids of 2020

The right hearing aid, professionally fitted, can make a world of difference when it comes to your hearing loss. Many companies are manufacturing hearing aids these days that are so small and discreet that no one else would know that you’re wearing them. Others are packed with all the features you need to make your life more convenient and enhance …

Facts & Fictions about Hearing Loss

Facts & Fictions about Hearing Loss

Hearing loss affects at least 466 million people worldwide or 6.1% of the world’s total population. With numbers this high, it is more than likely that you will be put at risk or develop hearing loss at some point in your life.  The more informed you can be on the risks and treatments for hearing loss, the easier it can …

Tips for Driving with Hearing Aids

Tips for Driving with Hearing Aids

Without even thinking about it, we use thousands of auditory cues every time we drive. Obviously we hear horns honking and sirens coming, but we might also hear the engine of another car in our blind spot, or a bicyclist’s handlebar bell approaching to make a turn. We even hear squeaks and rattles coming from our own cars which help …

Adjusting to New Hearing Aids

Adjusting to New Hearing Aids

You’ve decided to start wearing hearing aids. Congratulations! You are about to experience, once again, the rich tapestry of sounds that weave in and out of our experience moment by moment. If you’ve hit the average, it’s been 7 years since you started noticing hearing loss, and now finally you’re going to hear the world with fresh ears. But imagine …

Preparing for a Hearing Aid Fitting

4 Simple Ways to Prepare for a Hearing Aid Fitting

Preparing for new hearing aids is the last step to improving your hearing health! By now, you have probably had your hearing assessed and discussed treatment options with a hearing healthcare specialist. The next step of this process is scheduling an appointment for a hearing aid fitting. Similar to most electronics, hearing aids have experienced significant innovation over recent years. …

Tips for Selecting Hearing Aids

Tips for Selecting Hearing Aids

Congratulations on taking action to take care of your hearing health! Treating hearing loss by wearing hearing aids can help you navigate your life on a daily basis with greater ease. Similar to other electronics, hearing aids have experienced so much innovation over recent years. Advanced technology has contributed to the production of a wide range of hearing aids that …