Avoiding hearing test could make the problem much worse

Avoiding Hearing Tests Could Make the Problem Much Worse

Untreated hearing loss can take a toll on communication and overall health. Avoiding hearing tests not only worsens hearing impairment but also affects all aspects of daily life.  Impact of Avoiding Hearing Tests  Avoiding hearing tests and delaying hearing loss treatment can worsen impairment as well as the multifaceted effects that impact daily life. This includes:  Strained Communication. Untreated hearing …

How Treating Hearing Loss improves your relationships

How Taking care of Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships

Hearing loss is one of the most common, chronic health conditions that people experience today. Though it is pervasive, impacting nearly 48 million people, it is often underdiagnosed. Hearing loss is an invisible condition that typically occurs gradually so people may not notice changes to their hearing health immediately. Additionally, there are numerous misconceptions and stigma associated with hearing loss …

Check your hearing this November for American diabetes month

Check Your Hearing This November for American Diabetes Month

Did you know November is American Diabetes Month? A life-long condition that impacts over 34 million people in the U.S, diabetes is a pervasive health issue. If you have diabetes or are prediabetic, it is important to also protect your hearing health. People with diabetes can be more than twice as likely to experience hearing loss, a recent study shows.  …

addressing hearing loss may improve care for older adults

Focusing On Hearing Loss May Improve Care of Older Adults

Hearing loss is often thought of as an isolated health problem, but more and more we are finding that healthy hearing is a key component in our total wellness. One key example of this that is finally being better understood is how our ability to hear can impact our health outcomes. Studying hospital patients, new research is showing that older …

October is protect your hearing month

October is Protect Your Hearing Month

When your hearing is healthy, it is easy to take it for granted. Our hearing helps us instantly respond to the world around us. When all is well, that’s great, but when there is an issue without hearing it truly comes into focus how much we depend on our hearing in everyday life. This October is officially Protect Your Hearing …

Head Injuries and Hearing loss

Head Injuries & Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a serious issue affecting approximately 48 million people in the US alone. There are several things you can do to protect your hearing loss and they do not only revolve around exposure to loud noise. While advanced age and noise induced hearing loss are the most common causes of hearing damage, other causes include infection, exposure to …

Know your rights With hearing loss

Know Your Rights with Hearing Loss

Are you struggling to hear the people in your life? Has hearing loss become an issue that affects your relationships at home when you venture out into the world and in the workplace? Many don’t take their own hearing loss seriously or even recognize it as a serious disability, but it is.  A Serious Disability Many people believe they do …

how smoking and drinking may affect hearing

How Smoking & Drinking May Affect Hearing

People love to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes. There is actually a scientific reason for this. Alcohol increases activity of dopamine and releases endorphins, producing feelings of joy, pleasure, and euphoria. Similarly smoking tobacco releases dopamine when tobacco reaches the brain. While both these substances can create a lot of joy, the problem with both is that it is temporary …

A link between hearing loss and diabetes

A Link between Hearing Loss & Diabetes

Are you part of over 30 million people in the U.S. with diabetes? A new study finds that your hearing may be affected as well. Diabetes is a chronic health condition which affects how your body turns food into energy.  The American Diabetes Association estimate nearly 11% of the entire U.S. population suffer from diabetes and the number is only expected to …

Why Pretending to Hear Doesn't Help

Why Pretending to Hear Doesn’t Help

Do you ever catch yourself pretending to hear what people say, just to avoid stopping the conversation? You may feel that it is impolite to interrupt people to ask them to repeat themselves and let the conversation continue, not fully understanding what is intended. It is important to unlearn this behavior as it has many unfortunate consequences.  For those with …