Musicians & Hearing Loss

Musicians & Hearing Loss

It’s no secret that excessively loud noise can damage hearing. But not everyone knew that 40 years ago. Anyone with a noisy profession, from construction workers to rock n’ rollers, risked their hearing health every day on the job. The number of older musicians living with hearing loss keeps growing, in part due to all the concerts they performed without …

Going Digital with Your Hearing Aids

Going Digital with Your Hearing Aids

The world is going digital. Our smartphones easily connect to Bluetooth headphones and our TVs and sound systems all use digital technology. Hearing aid technology is catching up! Now digital hearing aids are the norm. This means you get amazing sound quality along with other great features that make it easier to hear.   Analog Hearing Aids Vs. Digital Hearing Aids …

Difficulties with Communication Could Signal a Hearing Loss

Difficulties with Communication Could Signal a Hearing Loss

Some of the most meaningful moments of our lives are shared with loved ones. Communication plays a pivotal role in connecting us with our family and friends. But what happens when communication breaks down? Difficulties with communication could signal a hearing loss.  Hearing in Noise Do you have a hard time following conversations? Maybe you’ve started asking people to repeat …